Thursday, February 12, 2009

To Our Loyal Readers

Dearest Objectiveites,

It has been recently brought to my immediate attention- on this, our hallowed anniversary- that the post directly beneath this one has been generating very negative publicity for us across the world of broke-ass sports media- thanks in no small part to the negative reactions of an offshore test-audience. So as Rusty KuntzWhale- the brains behind this operation- I feel it is my civic duty to apologize to the reading public for what has been taken as a general loss of funny all of a sudden (overreactions by the blood-thirsty media, I promise) and reassure you all that this is certainly not the case. Our mojo is everlasting, titslappers.

We began this modest little site 3 days ago with two simple, but lofty goals: a) to be objective in our coverage (boo!) and b) to don't not don't neglect the humor. So far, our ideals, and the pristine value which we place on hard hitting, quality journalism has netted us interviews with John Kruk and the currently MIA Darren Daulton, along with giving us the inside scoop on Michael Bay's next work. A week ago, it was all a dream. I used to read Word Up! Magazine. I'd be lying if I said I didn't appreciate all the luck we've had in the time since.

It is my sincere promise to you that Morose Cockwasher will spend the next 48 hours licking lint off the underbelly of my iguana, Freddie Mitchell's Abortion Route, to further learn the virtues of good posting. He is a quality poster, and an effective interviewer, but his vision is sometimes clouded by success and meth. He just needs a bit of a shakedown- like 12 year old hand watching Return of The Jedi shakedown- and OPBO will deliver it. On this you have my word, good Phaithphul.

So, with all that's a picture from us to you, to show that we still remain on the same wavelength:

We still value your continued support of this little corner of the Phillie world.

Standing Strong,
Your Fearless Leader

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