Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Adam Sandler Guide To Making A Movie

Step 1: Come up with a word that sounds hilarious to you.
  • Gee Grenouille
  • Longfellow
  • Zohan
  • Blart

Step 2: Give the word a conflict

  • Is the quarterback for a team that relies much too heavily on someone who needs help chewing his own food.
  • Is kind of a hick. And is stuck in a big city...with lots of money.
  • Is...Jewish, and was once known for something...but wants to be a hair stylist?
  • I'm just saving my money on this one. I assume something happens in the mall that forces this inept, fat sack of cocks to do something.

Step 3: Beg your friends to show up on screen.

  • John, I promise...you just make a cameo in this one, and you can eat all the green jell-o I can stuff in my pool. Yes, yes, this is the last one, I promise. All you have to say is "Wow, Troinkz, that's a big truck-full o'deer you got here." The crowd's gonna eat it up.
  • Rob, of course you can tickle my anus next Tuesday! Just don't forget, we're shooting "Blaqh Friorct: Substitute Teacher" the morning after.
  • Winona, you haven't been shit since Heathers. And that's so '87. If you take the lead role as Mlurga McDoogans, you'll be a star again. No more Saks Fifth; just picture the freedom. Think about it and call me back.
  • No, Adam, write the fucking thing. Don't listen to your "better judgement." Fuck that, what made that side of you the "better judgement," anyhow? Has it made you any money? Didn't fucking think so. "Staring At Sjrecropat" is the next Annie Hall; I can feel it.

Step 4: Masturbate furiously.


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